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Sala de prensa

Enagás Renovable and Alter Enersun, new allies of Cepsa in the Andalusian Valley of Green Hydrogen

  • The three companies sign an agreement for the joint development of a green hydrogen plant and an associated 200 MW photovoltaic energy project in Huelva
  • Additionally, Cepsa and Enagás Renovable have signed a complementary agreement for the production and purchase of biomethane
  • The synergy of the three energy companies will promote the decarbonization of Huelva’s industry and of the heavy land, air and maritime transport
  • The Andalusian Valley of Green Hydrogen is the largest green hydrogen project in Europe, with a capacity of 2GW and a production of up to 300.000 tons


Cepsa, a global energy company, committed to mobility and sustainable energy, Enagás Renovable, one of the largest European promoters of renewable gas projects and Alter Enersun, a company dedicated to the promotion of electricity generating facilities of renewable origin, have signed an agreement to jointly develop a green hydrogen plant in Huelva, connected to a solar energy plant, within the Andalusian Green Hydrogen Valley.

The new green hydrogen plant, whose electrolysis capacity will reach 200 MW will be operational in 2026 and its production will be used to supply Cepsa’s own industrial consumption and will enable the manufacturing of advanced biofuels. Likewise, the photovoltaic installation will also have a capacity of 200 MW.

Alter Enersun will be in charge of developing the photovoltaic plant, which will be located on land of the Port Authority of Huelva in the capital municipality and Cepsa and Enagás Renovable will be in charge of building and commissioning the hydrogen plant in the facilities of the Cepsa Energy Park in Palos de la Frontera.

The production of renewable energy next to the place where it will be consumed represents an important optimization of the projects and a major use of synergies among companies.

Representatives of the three companies have presented the alliance this morning at the La Rábida Energy Park, accompanied by Carmelo Romero, mayor of Palos de la Frontera, Bella Verano, delegate of the government of the Junta de Andalucía in Huelva, Gabriel Cruz, mayor of Huelva, Pilar Miranda, president of the Port of Huelva, and José Luis Menéndez, president of AIQBE.

According to Joaquín Rodríguez, director of Hydrogen at Cepsa, «we are adding two new allies to the Andalusian Green Hydrogen Valley to decarbonize Huelva’s industry and to promote its sustainability and competitiveness. We are joining our technical capabilities, experience and knowledge of the sector with those of Enagás Renovable and Alter Enersun to launch a large-scale green hydrogen plant which will be self-sufficient with renewable energies. ».

Luis Iglesias, COO of  Enagás Renovable, has expressed his satisfaction with this collaboration between the three companies “ which allows to advance with the promotion of renewable gas projects in Spain,  responding to the decarbonization requirements in industry and the transport sector in its different modalities.”

For his part José Luis Morlanes, CEO of Alter Enersun, has highlighted that “we are going to build a 200 MW photovoltaic plant to generate green hydrogen that will take advantage of solar energy to improve the environment. We are proud of participating in Cepsa’s strategy, Positive Motion, which contributes to the energy transition and of achieving the energy autonomy of Spain”.

Biomethane, an ally to contribute to decarbonization

Likewise, Cepsa and Enagás Renovable have signed a complementary agreement for the production and purchasing of biomethane. Biomethane will be used to replace natural gas in different industrial processes, thus contributing to a reduction in CO2 emissions.

Biomethane, a renewable gas with similar characteristics to natural gas, is obtained through a biogas upgrading process. The latter is produced through an anaerobic digestion of organic waste, a natural process that accelerates the production of this ecological gas with a high concentration of methane, thanks to the action of bacteria that live in the absence of oxygen.

Collaboration between companies, key to the energetic transition

This new Alliance is parto f Cepsa’s 2030 strategy, Positive Motion, through which the company is transforming to become a benchmark in energetic transition, leading sustainable mobility in Spain and Portugal as well as the production of renewable hydrogen and advanced biofuels.  Cepsa will promote the decarbonization of its clients as well as of its  own activity, reaching net zero emissions in the year 2050.

Enagás Renovable considers the collaboration between companies a pillar of its corporate strategy aimed at promoting the development of renewable gases and contributing to achieving a carbon neutral economy. Enagás Renovable is thus committed to an energetic model that abandons the use of fossil fuels and generalizes the use of renewable energy sources, contributing to protecting the environment and people.

Alter Enersun is developing competitive energy solutions that combine renewable energies with green hydrogen production to decarbonize energy-intensive activity by reducing emissions and the dependence on fossil energies.

The Alliance of Cepsa, Enagás Renovable and Alter Enersun contributes to severa lof the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda: ODS 7 (Affordable and non-polluting energy)  ODS 8 (Decent work and economic growth) ODS 12 (Responsible production and consumption)  and ODS 13 (Climate Action).

About Cepsa

Cepsa is a leading international company committed to mobility and sustainable energies with a solid technical experience after more than 90 years of activity. The company also has a world-leading chemical business with an increasingly sustainable activity.

In 2022 Cepsa presented its new strategic plan for 2030, Positive Motion, which projects its ambition to be leader in sustainable mobility, biofuels and green hydrogen in Spain and Portugal and to become a benchmak in energy transition. The company puts customers at the center of its activity and will work with them to help them advance in their decarbonizing goals.

ESG criterio inspire all of Cepsa’s actions to move towards its net positive objective. Throughout this decade it will reduce its Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 55% and its carbon intensity index by  15-20 %, with the goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

About Enagás Renovable

Enagás Renovable has a portfolio of more than 50 specific projects in Spain in the field of renewable gases and decarbonization, representing one of the largest European platforms for renewable gases projects. Currently, its shareholding structure is made up of Enagás (60%), Hy24 —a joint venture formed by  Ardian and FiveT Hydrogen— (30%), Pontegadea (5%) and Navantia —SEPI— (5%).

Enagás Renovable already has several pioneering projects, including the commissioning of the first industrial green hydrogen plant in Spain, located in Lloseta (Mallorca), and the start-up of the “UNUE” biomethane production plant in Villalonquéjar (Burgos), the latter being the first large-scale project in the biomethane sector carried out in Spain by a private initiative.

About Alter Enersun

Alter Enersun Group, a leading company in the renewable energy sector , stands out for its 12 years of experience in the development of own photovoltaic installations for the sale of energy. Le company covers the entire value chain: the development of solar parks, their design, the promotion and installation, the exploitation, operation and maintenance and also the acquisition of projects.

Currently Alter Enersun has more than 140 photovoltaic installations on roofs and ground in Spain, Portugal and Mexico. Alter Enersun is a company owned by CL Grupo Industrial and Senergy Group (Seu Global Energía).

Alter Enersun completes the works on the La LUZ solar park in Huelva
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