Sala de prensa
Sala de prensa

Alter Enersun closes a €100 million financing for its photovoltaic generation and storage plants in Extremadura

  • Banco Santander, Caixabank and BBVA are the entities that will finance the company’s photovoltaic projects in Jerez de los Caballeros, Barcarrota, Alconchel and San Serván
  • With the construction of these new facilities, it will be possible to supply more than 58,800 families and avoid the emission of 193,521 tons of CO2 per year
  • In addition, 62 MW of storage will be built in Cáceres, Mérida and Alconchel, where one of the largest maintenance facilities in Spain will be located


Alter Enersun, a leading company in the renewable energy sector, has closed a €100 million financing agreement with Banco Santander, Caixabank and BBVA for its different plants located in Extremadura. Specifically, it will build more than 112 MW of photovoltaic power in the municipalities of Jerez de los Caballeros, Alconchel and San Serván, adding a total of 207,370 modules. The storage facilities will be made with lithium batteries and will contribute to greater efficiency of the plants.

The Jerez 2020 plant will have 12 MW of power and will produce a total of 21,917 MW/h. Barcarrota will have a power of 12.4 MW and a production of 24,134 MW/h. On the other hand, Alconchel 2020 and Alconchel 2021 have a combined capacity of 23.67 MW and a production of 36,343 MW/h. Finally, the San Serván 2020 and San Serván 2021 plants have a total of 64.2 MW of power and a production of 122,610 MW/h. In total, the construction of these photovoltaic plants will save a total of 193,521 tonnes of CO2 per year. In addition, with the electricity generated in the plants, it will be possible to supply some 58,800 families.

In addition, 62 MW of storage will be built in Cáceres, Mérida and especially in Alconchel, where one of the largest storage facilities in Spain will be built, with 52 MW of power.

More than 300 jobs and an impact of 20 million euros

The construction and commissioning of the different projects will have the services of Extremaduran companies for the construction, the manufacture of the structure and even the steel will be mainly manufactured in the community.

More than 300 jobs will be generated during the construction phase and will have an impact on the municipal coffers of around 20 million euros.

Three plants located in Cáceres and an investment of 100 million euros

Alter Enersun already made an investment in 2021 of more than 100 million euros for the construction of the 3 photovoltaic installations commissioned in Cáceres, with which an estimated annual production of 252,467 MWh is reached, an activity that supplies more than 72,000 families.

As for the power of each of the facilities, Cáceres 2020 achieves a power of 50.83 MWp, Cáceres 2021 reaches 53.01 MWp, while Cáceres 2023 has 32.83 MWp. In total, the installed capacity of these three plants is 136.67 MWp.

Alter Enersun completes the works on the La LUZ solar park in Huelva
Alter Enersun is developing 1000 MW of photovoltaic and wind energy to supply the grid and hydrogen projects in Huelva
Alter Enersun obtains financing of 160 million euros for the construction of photovoltaic plants