Sala de prensa
Sala de prensa

ALTER ENERSUN buys one of the largest rooftop plants in Andalusia from ISOFOTON

This is the solar installation called “Solar Roof Area Sur” located on the parking lot of the Area Sur shopping center in Jerez de la Frontera, with a power of 2.06 MW.

This project is an important step for Alter Enersun to become the largest producer of rooftop photovoltaic solar energy.

It currently has almost 10 MW distributed in 30 facilities located in several communities, Extremadura, Andalusia, Murcia and Catalonia.

The installation incorporates thin-film modules and polycrystalline modules, being composed of 11,976 solar modules, occupying a solar collection area of 17,000 m2

The annual production of electricity will be 3 Gigawatt hours per year, the equivalent of generating enough renewable energy to supply more than 1,000 homes annually, in addition to avoiding the emission of greenhouse gases that would be produced with the generation of energy from other non-renewable sources.

Alter Enersun completes the works on the La LUZ solar park in Huelva
Alter Enersun is developing 1000 MW of photovoltaic and wind energy to supply the grid and hydrogen projects in Huelva
Alter Enersun obtains financing of 160 million euros for the construction of photovoltaic plants