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Alter Enersun completes the works of its three new photovoltaic plants in Cáceres

On December 9, 2021, Alter Enersun received a visit from the mayor of Cáceres, Luis Salaya Julián, to its three new photovoltaic installations located in the capital of Cáceres, with which it will be able to avoid the emission of more than 238,328 tons of CO2. In addition to the presence of the mayor of Cáceres, the new plants of Alter Enersun, Cáceres 2020, Cáceres 2021 and Cáceres 2023, have also received the visit of the mayor of Casar de Cáceres, Rafael Pacheco Rubio.

The three plants will reach an estimated annual production of 252,467 MWh, an activity that will supply more than 72,000 families. As for the power of each of the facilities, Cáceres 2020 has a power of 50.83 MWp, Cáceres 2021 reaches 53.01 MWp and Cáceres 2023 has a power of 32.83 MWp. In total, the installed capacity of these three new plants is 136.67 MWp.

The mayor of Cáceres, Luis Salaya Julián, has been very satisfied with the work carried out, indicating that “these projects are moving forward thanks to private initiative and public support”. In turn, the mayor has highlighted “the commitment of Alter Enersun, which in addition to giving very important support to the Al-Qázeres Extremadura women’s basketball team, the company contributes wealth, not only in the direct creation of employment, but also in benefits for companies in Cáceres and its surroundings generating income to the public coffers”.

For his part, Raúl García Méndez, Manager of Alter Enersun, points out that “we are already finalizing the last steps of the project, which we hope will be completed on December 22. From this moment on we will be in the process of commissioning.” In addition, Raúl García has indicated that “thanks to these plants, located in Cáceres, we will contribute our grain of sand to the energy transformation that we must accelerate so much”.

A great local economic impact and more than 600 jobs generated in the construction phase

The construction and commissioning of these three new facilities in Cáceres has a clear economic impact on the province, involving an investment of almost 100 million euros. Added to this is what it will mean in the operating period, which, based on a 35-year estimate, will mean a contribution of about 17 million euros.

In addition, with the construction of these three plants, more than 600 jobs have been generated in the construction phase, to which nearly 20 jobs (direct and indirect) will be added during the 30 years of life of the facilities.

The facilities in Cáceres represent a commitment to local development and environmental integration, through the use of the land to feed the cattle that feed the Denomination of Origin, Torta de Casar, with milk.

During 2021, the Alter Enersun group will have contributed to the country’s electricity system with more than 200 MWp of new photovoltaic renewable power, 186 MWp of utility scale and another 16 MWp of self-consumption through its subsidiary Alterna Recursos Energéticos.

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