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Alter Enersun completes the works on the La LUZ solar park in Huelva

The project which has involved the construction of 8 photovoltaic plants in the La Carrascosa area of Huelva, is waiting to complete the installation of the high voltage line and the substation

La LUZ has generated 500 jobs during the construction of the 8 facilities and 20 jobs in operation, while it will mean a saving of 507.000 tons of CO2/year

Alter Enersun has completed the construction of La LUZ Solar Park, a project of 8 photovoltaic plants, LUZ I, II, III, IV, V, VI VII y VIII, located in Huelva, specifically in the La Carrascosa area. The project has a power of 262 MWp and an estimated production of 537 GWh per year which is equivalent to the energy consumed by 154.000 households. The definitive start-up of the project is awaiting the completion of the high-voltage line and the substation which, once installed, can begin to discharge into the network.

La LUZ has implied an investment of 160,5 million euros and has generated 500 jobs during its construction, to which another 20 annual Jobs will be added in its operation period.  Additionally, a total of 507.000 tons of CO2 will be saved each year, compared to conventional coal.  The impact on the tax base of the city of Huelva during its construction period amounts to 7,7 million euros, including the ICIO, that is, the building license fee and the property benefit.

Added to this is what it will mean during the exploitation period, which based on an estimate of 35 years, will mean a contribution of 27.300.000 € in IBI and IAE to benefit the town.

For his part, the CEO of Alter Enersun has pointed out that  “it is the most complex project  we have opted for and to which we have dedicated our most important budget”.

More than 7 years investing in Huelva in the long term

Alter Enersun’s activity started in 2015 with the development of the photovoltaic plants Huelva 2020 and Huelva 2021, which culminated with their construction between 2017 and 2020. These were the largest photovoltaic plants in Huelva, two plants that produce energy equivalent to the consumption of the entire population of the municipality.

Huelva 2020 and Huelva 2021 have a total of 113.686 solar panels that produce 100 GW per year, this means an electricity consumption equivalent to 28.000 households. Specifically, the activity of the two plants implies an annual reduction of 180.000 tons of CO2.

The total investment that has been executed and in progress of being executed by Alter Enersun in Huelva amounts as of today to more than 250 million euros, being the highest executed by the Group in any city in Spain.

Committed to Huelva and Andalusia

In Addition, Alter Enersun together with Cepsa, a global energy company committed to mobility and sustainable energy and Enagás Renovable, one of the largest European promoters of renewable gas projects, is also developing a a green hydrogen plant in Huelva connected to a solar energy plant within the Andalusian Hydrogen Valley.

In total, Alter Enersun currently  has 600 MW under development in Huelva and in the surrounding municipalities, to supply clean energy to the green hydrogen project.

Alter Enersun completes the works on the La LUZ solar park in Huelva
Alter Enersun is developing 1000 MW of photovoltaic and wind energy to supply the grid and hydrogen projects in Huelva
Alter Enersun obtains financing of 160 million euros for the construction of photovoltaic plants