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Sala de prensa

Alter Enersun Group enters energy trading

  • The leading company in the renewable energy sector acquires the Galician retailer Gasiluz Eco
  • The Group thus consolidates its vertical integration strategy by offering the end customer an offer of 100% renewable energy, from its photovoltaic plants
  • Gasiluz Eco sets itself the goal of reaching 850GWh/year of commercialized energy, as well as


The Alter Enersun Group, a leading company in the renewable energy sector, acquires the Galician energy retailer Gasiluz Eco with which it will respond to the decarbonized energy needs of companies, institutions and communities.

The Alter Enersun Group aims to become one of the leading companies in the renewable energy sector, especially in the field of harnessing solar energy through photovoltaic plants to produce energy for the grid, for individual and collective self-consumption and solutions to supply green hydrogen.

In this regard, the retailer will focus on high-value energy solutions that facilitate the transition to a decarbonized and sustainable environment.

According to José Luis Morlanes, CEO of Alter Enersun, “with the acquisition of Gasiluz Eco, the Alter Enersun Group will optimize the management of the energy it produces and offer a high value-added service to industry, institutions and communities that will help them reduce costs and CO2 emissions without making investments”.

The marketer will be based in Extremadura and from there it will operate in Spain and Portugal. The company will be led by Arturo Mejuto, a professional with a long career in the electricity sector.

Profitable sustainability

The commercial activity of the new company will consist of offering integrated energy solutions that favor the reduction of costs, of the CO2 emissions generated by the activity, without investment by the customer. In this way, the Group consolidates, with this operation, its vertical integration strategy that will allow it to reach the end customer with an offer of energy from 100% renewable sources and from its photovoltaic plants.

With the support of Alterna Energía, a member company of the Group and a specialist in the development of industrial self-consumption, the retailer expects to be able to use its capabilities to offer the industrial fabric and service companies a complete offer that helps customers maximize their efficiency and energy savings.

The marketer will provide service to the generating companies through energy representation and marketing contracts, a milestone that is expected to be reached at the beginning of Q4 of this year.

Gasiluz Eco: 850 GW of energy and €100 million in turnover

The company, which already this year expects to reach 200GWh/year of portfolio, aims to reach 850GWh/year of commercialized energy by 2025, in addition to an approximate turnover of €100 million in the electricity marketing business alone.

Alter Enersun completes the works on the La LUZ solar park in Huelva
Alter Enersun is developing 1000 MW of photovoltaic and wind energy to supply the grid and hydrogen projects in Huelva
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