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ALTER ENERSUN lays the First Stone of the Huelva Plant 2021

June 2020. On June 23, Alter Enersun held the ceremony to lay the First Stone of the new Huelva 2021 Photovoltaic Plant, which the company is already building in Huelva. It is a park with a capacity of 49.9 MWp in which 113,686 solar panels will be installed, producing 100 GW per year. The company GES will be in charge of undertaking the construction work on this plant, which began this month and will last until January 2021. The facility will be operational during the first four months of 2021.

Huelva 2021 will reduce CO2 emissions by 90 thousand tons per year and will involve an investment of 25 million euros. This is Alter Enersun’s second photovoltaic project in Huelva within the plan to build 400 MW in this province out of a total of 1200 MW of photovoltaic and wind power in Spain. In February of this year, Huelva 2020 was inaugurated, its first photovoltaic plant in Gibraleón, with another 49.9 MWp and the capacity to reduce CO2 emissions by another 100 thousand tons per year.

The event was attended by the Delegate of the Andalusian Government in Huelva, Bella Verano, the mayor of Huelva, Gabriel Cruz, the president of the CL Group, Ricardo Leal, and the CEO of Alter Enersun, José Luis Morlanes, among other authorities.

Contribution in difficult times

During the event, the CEO of Alter Enersun, José Luis Morlanes, wanted to highlight the “special meaning of this event at such a special time for everyone”, “having possibly gone through one of the most difficult moments of our existence”.

Authorities next to the commemorative plaque of Huelva 2021

In this way, he stressed the company’s objective of “getting down to work because the country needs it” and making it known to “the city of Huelva, the province and Andalusia that we are willing from minute one to contribute to the energy transition that helps to improve the sustainability of our planet by creating wealth and employment”.  and thus participating “as far as our capacities reach to recover the situation of employment and well-being that will be affected by this pandemic”.

Huelva Photovoltaic Plant 2021

The Huelva 2021 Photovoltaic Plant occupies an area of 85 hectares and will produce about 100,000 MW hours per year, which means the consumption of 28,000 homes. It is an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract consisting of a photovoltaic park, electrical substation and evacuation line.

GES will be in charge of carrying out the detailed engineering, the management of the purchases of machinery and main equipment with the exception of the photovoltaic modules, inverters and transformer stations that will be carried out by Alter Enersun and the construction of all the project facilities. In addition, GES will be responsible for the management, integration and coordination of all works and suppliers, consolidating its role as a comprehensive supplier of renewables.

About GES

GES is a benchmark in Spain and Latin America in the provision of solutions for renewable energies. During the 25 years of activity, it has built more than 7 GW, installed 14 GW and maintained 1.5 GW (. Worldwide, GES has built just over 14.7 GW and installed more than 27 GW worldwide over the past quarter of a century.

Huelva Solar Plant 2021 commemorative plaque

GES has 15 years of experience in the photovoltaic sector and specializes in the construction of large-scale photovoltaic plants. During these years, the company has built 460 MW. With a workforce of 800 professionals distributed around the world, GES has a stable presence through commercial offices and operational centers in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Morocco, Egypt, Mexico, Chile and Argentina.

About Alter Enersun

The company Alter Enersun (established in 2009) is dedicated to the promotion, development and operation of solar plants. The company, which produces independent electricity from renewable sources using photovoltaic technology, currently has 145 facilities and more than 100 MW in operation between Spain, Portugal and Mexico. Alter Enersun plans to install more than 400 MW in photovoltaic projects in Huelva and has different rooftop photovoltaic installations in Huelva and Seville.

Alter Enersun completes the works on the La LUZ solar park in Huelva
Alter Enersun is developing 1000 MW of photovoltaic and wind energy to supply the grid and hydrogen projects in Huelva
Alter Enersun obtains financing of 160 million euros for the construction of photovoltaic plants