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Sala de prensa

Alter Enersun sponsors Recreativo de Huelva

Alter Enersun has become as of today, March 30, 2021, the official sponsor of Real Club Recreativo de Huelva during the second phase of this season and the next 2021/2022 season. Thus, it was announced at the presentation of the agreement signed between the Extremadura company and the sports club, which was attended by the CEO of Recreativo, Carlos Hita, the head of communication and marketing of the team, Jesús Pulido, the CEO of Alter Enersun, José Luis Morlanes, and its manager, Raúl García.

For the company, in the words of its CEO, “this is a firm commitment by Alter Enersun to support one of the most representative institutions in the province of Huelva, regardless of the category in which it is located. For his part, Carlos Hita has highlighted the importance of this sponsorship agreement for the club and has been “very grateful for the important commitment that Alter Enersun has made to Recreativo, and even more so at such a complicated time for the entity at a sporting level, which shows once again that the Dean of Spanish football is much more than a club and its history,  its hallmarks and its social mass are very attractive to sponsors”.

Firm commitment to the environment

Alter Enersun was born 12 years ago with a firm commitment to the environment, and, for this reason, it is committed to the sun and wind as inexhaustible sources of energy. The company develops, builds and operates photovoltaic plants both on the ground and on the roof, already having more than 140 active projects and more than 150 MWp of installed power between Spain, Mexico and Portugal. Now the company has set its goal of reaching an investment of 600 million euros and the management of at least 1GW of power by 2024.

Huelva, a priority

Within this commitment, Alter Enersun places Huelva as one of the key points of its expansion plan, linking the construction of nine solar plants in its municipal area until 2023. In 2019, it launched the largest photovoltaic project in the province, with 50 MWp. And just a few weeks ago it concluded the construction of its second major project in the area, the first in the municipality, ‘Huelva 2021’. With a power of 50MWp, it will generate enough energy to cover the energy needs of 28,000 families annually and will help prevent the emission of 95,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year.

In total, Alter Enersun will reach an installed capacity in Huelva of 450 MWp, thus generating 900 GWh of energy, enough to supply up to 771,000 people, and achieving a reduction, in terms of emissions, of about 850,000 tons of CO2 annually (based on Conventional Coal and Astracite).

Promoting growth, employment and the tax contribution in Hueva

The philosophy of Alter Enersun is to contribute to local development, not only with the improvement of the environment, but also with the development of the municipality that hosts the activity of generating renewable energies.

During the construction process of the photovoltaic parks, more than 2,000 people will be employed, and more than 40 direct jobs will be created for 30 years, plus what the activity itself generates indirectly.

In addition, it will contribute to the budget of Huelva by paying more than 10 million euros in municipal taxes related to construction and 40 million euros, in 30 years, for taxes on the activity.

Alter Enersun completes the works on the La LUZ solar park in Huelva
Alter Enersun is developing 1000 MW of photovoltaic and wind energy to supply the grid and hydrogen projects in Huelva
Alter Enersun obtains financing of 160 million euros for the construction of photovoltaic plants