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Alter Enersun starts up two new photovoltaic plants in Extremadura

Located in the towns of Barcarrota and Jerez de los Caballeros, the two facilities will generate approximately 47 GWh per year, covering the energy needs of more than 13.000 families

Alter Enersun, a leading company in the renewable energy sector, has launched two new photovoltaic plants in the Extremadura region that will produce sufficient energy to cover the energetic needs of more than 13.000 households.

It is a 12,16 MWp plant located in the municipal territory of Barcarrota, a town in the province of Badajoz and another 11,98 Mwp plant located in the town of Jerez de los Caballeros. They have approximately 22.000 modules each, through which they will generate annually around 25Gwh and 22 GWh respectively.

Local momentum and impact
The company has focused a major part of its investments and projects in Extremadura, where for the last two years it has added the implementation of three projects in Caceres, under the denomination ‘Cáceres 2020’, ‘Cáceres 2021’ and Cáceres 2023’ Plant, as well as the execution and/or start-up of new plants located in Mérida, Alconchel, in addition to the two in Barcarrota and Jerez de los Caballeros.

Only for the construction work which started in the second semester of 2022, at the plant located in Barcarrota, more than 90 people have been employed, of which it should be noted that 26% have been local workers and 38% employees coming from other towns in the province of Badajoz. For its part, the plant located in Jerez de los Caballeros has also had hiring peaks of more than 80 employees, reaching local hiring quotas of 28% and 36% , more when adding workers from the rest of the province.

Moreover, for the maintenance and operation of both photovoltaic plants, which are estimated to have a life of more than 35 years, 4 workers will be permanently employed in each site.

Economic impact on the territory
Likewise, the social impact that has arisen with the construction and maintenance of these plants  is increased by the investment made during the works and the local fiscal repercussion during their years of production.

As for the development and construction of the Barcarrota plant, the investment allocated by Alter Enersun totals approximately 10 million euros, whereas 8,5 million euros have been assigned to the plant in Jerez de los Caballeros. Regarding the contribution of local taxes, the company has paid close to 240.000 € for the construction of both facilities and will add the anual property tax (IBI) payment during the 35 years of operation, which is estimated at a total of almost 1,5 million euros per plant.

Energy for 13.000 households
On the other hand, the energy production of the plants, amounting to approx. 47 GWh per year will be sufficient to cover the energetic requirements of 13.479 families, 7.169 homes by the Barcarrota plant and  6.310 by the one in Jerez de los Caballeros.

Furthermore, thanks to them, the emission of 44.000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere will be saved, thus contributing to alleviating the damage caused by climate change.

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