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Enagás Renovables and Alter Enersun create a joint company to offer renewable energy solutions

  • Both companies share the vision that the combination of renewable energies and gases is key to the energy transition and the fight agains climate change
  • Enalter, 50% owned by both companies, will offer green hydrogen and renewable electricity to energy-intensive industries, thus contributing to their decarbonization  
  • This Alliance reinforces the commitment by both companies in promoting renewable energies, decarbonization and energy transition, as well as the fight against climate change
  • The new company has five projects in its portfolio in Spain


Enagás Renovable, a company promoting renewable gas projects and Alter Enersun, an integrated energy group focused on the production of renewable energy through photovoltaic solar energy, have created Enalter, a joint company with a 50% stake each. The new company was created with the objective of developing energy solutions that combine the generation of renewable electricity and the production of green hydrogen for the decarbonization of energy-intensive industry.

Committing to decarbonization along with local development

Enalter, began its activity in October and, like Alter Enersun, has its corporate and fiscal headquarters in Extremadura, thus showing the new company’s commitment to keep its roots and commitment to the territory.

The new company has five projects in its portfolio in Spain in different development phases, that will contribute to the decarbonization of the main industries that are intensive in electricity and gas consumption, such as petrochemicals, steel, mining, cement, as well as data centers, other large energy consumers who a currently exploring the transition towards the consumption of renewable energy.

Enagás Renovable and Alter Enersun have been collaborating for some time and in May they already presented  a joint initiative in line with pioneering renewable energy projects called within the framework of PERTE for renewable energies. It is a renewable hydrogen production plant which is produced from photovoltaic solar energy and whose consumer would be the chemical company Industrias del Óxido de Etileno. Recently a provisional resolution of the call has been published, with the project having been awarded.

Likewise, the promotion of the construction of a 350 MW photovoltaic solar park in Extremadura and of a renewable hydrogen production plant with a maximum capacity of 180 MW, through a consortium made up by Enalter and Extremadura New Energies has been recently announced.

The collaboration between companies, key to the energy transition

Enagás Renovable and Alter Enersun are convinced that the combination of renewable energies and gases is the heart of energy transition and the way to help in the fight against climate change. The union of both energy vectors will be key in decarbonizing the Spanish economy and in its growth, contributing thus to achieving greater energy competitiveness for companies.

Likewise, collaboration between companies in this context is essential to efficiently channel and maximize the investment capacity and successfully develop a hydrogen ecosystem that is linked to renewable energies.

Antón Martínez, CEO of Enagás Renovable ha expressed his satisfaction with the collaboration between both companies “which allows us to progress in promoting renewable gas projects, providing Enalter with the capacity to offer a global response to the decarbonization needs of the energy-intensive industry.  

For his part, José Luis Morlanes, CEO of Alter Enersun, added that “the cooperation with Enagás Renovable will produce high value and efficient solutions for industries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions competitively”.

Renewable hydrogen is mainly obtained through water electrolysis which consists in separating hydrogen from the oxygen in water, through renewable electricity. The most decisive aspect is that the process is completely powered by renewable energy, so it does not generate any type of polluting emission into the atmosphere and produces hydrogen in a clean and sustainable way.

Renewable hydrogen is a sustainable solution that is key for decarbonizing the economy and is part of the solution to achieve the climate neutrality in 2050 which was established by the European Green Park.

This renewable gas is destined to be a valuable energy vector for end uses where it is the most efficient solution in its decarbonization process, such as hydrogen-intensive energy and high temperature processes, long-distance heavy transport, maritime transport, rail transport or aviation.   Additionally, its quality as an energy vector gives it a great potential as an instrument for energy storage and sector integration.

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