Sala de prensa
Sala de prensa

Inauguration of the Photovoltaic Solar Plant on the roof of Cimalsa (950kw)

THE DEPARTMENT OF TERRITORY AND SUSTAINABILITY inaugurates a photovoltaic electricity production plant in the CIMALSA warehouses ALTER ENERSUN has installed a photovoltaic plant with a power of 950 kW on Warehouse 8 of Cim el Camp, between the municipalities of Reus and La Canonja

Tarragona, May 5, 2012. ALTER ENERSUN, a company that promotes and produces electricity through photovoltaic installations, has installed a photovoltaic plant on the roof of the CIM del CAMP logistics complex, owned by the public entity CIMALSA.

The Minister of Territory and Sustainability, Lluís Recoder, inaugurated the photovoltaic solar installation this Saturday, together with Isidre Gavin, General Director of CIMALSA, who expressed that this project has been promoted by the Generalitat of Catalonia through the Department of Territory and Sustainability, to which CIMALSA belongs through public competition, an example and example of the clear objective of sustainability through the use of existing resources.

The CEO of Alter Enersun said: “We want to express our gratitude to the Generalitat of Catalonia and in particular to CIMALSA for providing us with the support to develop this project. With projects like this, Alter Enersun wants to show its commitment to public administration sites, providing the electricity system with energy of renewable origin, from the sun and therefore saving society in part of the global demand that has to be generated with other conventional, non-renewable sources and encouraging others this type of initiative”.

Jose Luis Morlanes, (CEO of Alter Enersun), Lluis Rigoder, Jose Maria Piqué (Delegate of Siemens Catalonia), Isidre Gavin (General Manager of Cimalsa)

The period of execution of the works has lasted from June to December 2011, culminating in this inauguration ceremony with the beginning of the operation of the facility.

It is a single installation on the roof of logistics warehouse number 8 of the Cim del Camp, with a nominal power of 950 kw.

The plant has 3,891 modules, with a total solar collection area of 7,730 m2 and a peak power of 1073 m2, which will produce 1.55 MWh/year of electricity annually, which is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 520 homes. All this will have an environmental benefit, thanks to the annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Siemens has been responsible for the execution of the facility, whose investment has been assumed by Alter Enersun and in return for the operation of the facility for 25 years, CIMALSA, without having assumed any cost, will receive extraordinary income throughout its operation.

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