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Minister Juan Bravo visits Alter Enersun’s ‘Huelva 2021’ Plant at the completion of its works

113,000 solar panels, 50MWp of power and enough electricity generation to cover the energy needs of 28,000 families. With these data, the CEO of Alter Enersun, José Luis Morlanes, announced the practical completion of the works of the company’s new plant, called Huelva 2021, during the visit of the Minister of Finance and Financing of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Bravo, on the morning of February 22.

Likewise, Morlanes has reported on the economic contribution that this new plant has already made, located in the Rivera de Huelva area, in which 240 people have worked during its construction and in which another 10 jobs will be maintained for the next 35 years.

In addition, it should be noted that, thanks to the energy generation of ‘Huelva 2021’, which is waiting for connection to start producing, some 95,000 tons of CO2 will be prevented from being released into the atmosphere per year.

For his part, Juan Bravo took the opportunity to stress that renewable energies are the ‘oil of the 21st century‘ and, therefore, he showed his support for both Alter Enersun and the rest of the companies that develop ‘projects that come to generate investment, come to take care of our environment and come to generate employment’.

The event was also attended by the Delegate of the Government of the Junta de Andalucía in Huelva, Bella Verano, the Director General of Energy, Fernando Arauz, and the Manager of Alter Enersun, Raúl García.

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