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Photovoltaic electricity production plant in the Montjuic Cemetery

ALTER ENERSUN inaugurates a photovoltaic project located on the roofs of the Montjuic Cemetery. This pioneering initiative, which began in early 2010, demonstrates that the use of renewable energies is viable in different areas. The photovoltaic specialist, IBC SOLAR, has collaborated with the company by providing the supply of solar modules for this project promoted by Alter Enersun with the collaboration of Cemeteries of Barcelona.

The period of execution of the works has been from February to March 2011. The project has been located on the roofs of 8 of the existing niche blocks in the South-East Zone of the Montjuic Cemetery. Through this inauguration, it is stated that the use of renewable energies is viable in different areas and can be extended to other cemeteries nationwide.

With an installed power of 100 kw, the annual production of electricity will be 136,011 kilowatt hours, which is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 46 homes. As part of the agreement, IBC SOLAR has supplied 420 IBC Polysol LS solar modules occupying a solar capture area of 700 m2, which will be a clear environmental benefit thanks to the annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

The inauguration of the project was attended by Jordi Valmaña, General Director of Cemeteries of Barcelona, and Jordi William Carnes, President of Cemeteries of Barcelona and Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City Council. Throughout the inauguration ceremony, the energy savings that this use of solar energy entails has been highlighted and that this installation can become the first step in a broad project to take advantage of the rest of the roofs of this and other cemeteries in the country.

Ricardo Leal, President of Alter Enersun said: “We want to show our gratitude to the Barcelona City Council and in particular to Barcelona Cemeteries for giving us the support to develop this pioneering plan. With projects like this, Alter Enersun wants to show its commitment to public administration sites, providing the electricity system with energy of renewable origin, from the sun and, therefore, saving society in part of the global demand that has to be generated with other conventional, non-renewable sources”.

José Mª Llopis, Managing Director of IBC SOLAR in Spain and Portugal stated: “We are very satisfied with this collaboration with Alter Enersun. The inauguration of this project is another example of the faithful commitment of both companies to the environment. We have the firm conviction that our 29 years of experience and our commitment to quality, reflected in the guarantee we offer in our products, will allow us to comply with the requirements and guarantee of Alter Enersun.

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